No matter what your business, one truth remains constant:

The customer experience should be the #1 priority.

And as a professional in marketing and public relations who has had the privilege of working with a vast number of industry leaders, I've observed a stark oversight among business owners – the customer journey. It's not just about making a sale-it's about the narrative we weave, from the moment someone becomes aware of our brand to the point they become loyal advocates.

However, the beauty is that mapping this journey is becoming increasingly accessible for small businesses, thanks to the advent of sophisticated CRMs. But I won't sugar coat this - no matter the business size, this task is a PROCESS. It takes WORK. And I always recommend using a MarCom professional to to navigate the development of a CRM Customer Journey.

With all that said, I'm going to give you my thoughts of three different systems to consider. Let's go!

1. The Power of Personalization: MailChimp

The art of customer engagement lies in the personal touch, and MailChimp has mastered this craft not only with well-thoughts out tools, but by offering an affordable price (and dominating the CRM landscape). By leveraging customer actions to send targeted messages through its email & SMS automations, businesses can establish a deeper connection with their customers. This CRM doesn't just stop at automations. With its Generative AI for Email Copy and advanced segmentation, MailChimp aids businesses in sending the right message to the right person, every single time.

ACTION ITEM: Start with MailChimp's customized journey templates, especially if you're new to customer journey mapping. Even their $20/month plan offers a personalized onboarding experience, guiding businesses to tap into the full potential of these features. Learn more here about setting up customer journeys with MailChimp (a great blog that outlines it)

2. Predictive Insights: ActiveCampaign  

Understanding your customer is paramount, and ActiveCampaign is here to offer that clarity. With its predictive analytics capabilities, this CRM provides businesses with a crystal ball, unveiling future customer behaviors. This not only aids in crafting compelling marketing messages but also helps businesses to tailor-make experiences that resonate. Couple this with their robust email automation and contact engagement tracking, and you've got a CRM powerhouse.

ACTION ITEM: Dive into ActiveCampaign’s predictive analytics. Let it "get to know" your customer list, and then leverage that information to craft marketing campaigns that strike a chord. Click here to read an article about how to navigate AC's predictive analytics functions.

3. The Google Workspace Marvel: Copper CRM

In a world where integration is the name of the game, Copper CRM is a beacon for businesses entrenched in the Google ecosystem. By facilitating effortless syncing between Google services like Gmail, Drive, and Calendar, Copper ensures businesses remain at the forefront of customer interactions, all within the familiar confines of their existing workspace.

ACTION ITEM: If you're already utilizing Google Workspace for your business, it's time to incorporate Copper into your repertoire. It will not only streamline your operations but also elevate your customer engagement strategy. Consider swapping out tools like Dropbox and Zoom for Google Workspace counterparts to keep everything under one roof. Here's a thorough review about Cooper CRM. Super helpful if considering!

Training, New Features + Time = Magic Sauce!

Regardless of the CRM platform you decided to go with - the truth is, you have to USE it... to its full potential. Invest in training, look at new features, grow with it - because it's not magic... it takes work to effectively communicate with your customers.


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