Five Fixes for Brand Voice Dilution in the AI Era

A Brief Note: The harmonization of Branding and Generative AI continues to be at the forefront of brand innovation. Building on my insights from Cornell University's Marketing in AI certification, this next installment further empowers those shaping the branding narrative. Here, I delve into actionable strategies, emphasizing the profound synergy between AI's precision and human authenticity. Your engagement enriches this dialogue. Dive in.

In my previous piece, we navigated the often-tricky terrain of brand voice in an AI-influenced landscape, pinpointing areas where brands might be losing their unique identities. As we proceed, I'm here to impart tools and tactics, ones I've refined over nearly two decades, to leverage AI without compromising on the brand soul.

The marvel of AI in content creation cannot be overstated. Its efficiency is unmatched. Yet, for those equipped with the intricate nuances of brand voice crafting, its power can be channeled appropriately.

Here's how:

1. Human-AI Collaboration

Remember: AI should be the canvas, not the painter. Harness AI for initial drafts or analytics. The refinement, the soul? That’s where the marketing and public relations professionals come in. 

ACTION POINT: Start by dedicating one content piece this week where AI provides the initial draft, but the final polish is done by your team. Analyze the differences.

2. Customize Your Data Sets

Don't just feed the AI - curate its diet. By immersing it in content uniquely aligned with your brand, you tailor its outputs to echo your brand’s true voice. 

ACTION POINT: Collate a set of your brand's top-performing content pieces from the past year. Use these as primary training data for your AI tool.

3. Regularly Refresh Your AI Training

Just as seasons change, brands too undergo evolution. Regular updates to your AI models ensure they mirror your brand’s latest messaging and spirit. 

ACTION POINT: Set up bi-monthly sessions to re-evaluate and retrain your AI models using fresh brand content and feedback. (This is something I put on my calendar for clients!)

4. Engage in Real-Time Conversations

There's merit in spontaneity. Occasionally, sidestep the algorithms. Connect with your audience personally, granting them an unfiltered view of your brand's humanity. 

ACTION POINT: Ditch the AI refined responses in customer queries and replies, be it on social media platforms or your brand's chat interface. Customers can tell and it's coming across like a chatbox (when you have a pulse if it's at that level). Plus, I'm a firm believer that chatbox interactions should be disclosed to users - unless there is a very good reason to not. And I haven't met that reason yet.

5. Continual Learning and Assessment

AI's landscape shifts rapidly. Remaining abreast of its transformations ensures your brand maneuvers effectively within its vast expanse. 

ACTION POINT: Consider monthly team workshops or webinars centered on the latest AI advancements and their potential impact on branding.

Closing Thoughts

Blending AI and human intuition isn't a walk in the park. It requires meticulous recalibration, constant learning, and an unwavering commitment to preserving the brand's core identity. But when done right? The fusion is artistry.

In our upcoming final segment, we'll blueprint a roadmap to ingrain your brand voice seamlessly with AI advancements. Exciting, isn’t it? Collaborative efforts like these invigorate the branding landscape. And if ever you yearn for a fresh perspective, know that there are seasoned professionals, myself included, eager to infuse innovative thinking into your brand narrative.

About the Author

Michelle's 18-year-long career in marketing and public relations stands as a beacon of dedication and prowess. From HBO and National Public Radio to strategic roles at Edelman to boutique agencies to consulting, her experiences have sculpted her into an industry stalwart. As a Cornell-certified marketing AI maestro, Michelle has collaborated with countless diverse brands, be it global giants like Walmart or regional stars like The Fox Theatre in Atlanta and Sundog Books. By seamlessly integrating traditional marketing insights with modern digital tactics, Michelle crafts strategies that guarantee impactful results, a testament to her expertise.


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