Keep Learning AI! 3 Strategies to Motivate You

In a rapidly changing world dominated by evolving technologies and shifting business paradigms, learning isn't a luxury - it's a necessity. Arie de Geus, a business theorist, rightly declared, "The ability to learn faster than your competitors may be the only sustainable competitive advantage." In her insightful Harvard Business Review article, Erika Andersen beautifully lays out the intrinsic attributes you need to be a continual learner: aspiration, self-awareness, curiosity, and vulnerability.

So, how can you fuel your desire to keep learning, especially when the thought of acquiring a new skill feels like a monumental task? Based on Andersen's key points and my own passion for learning, here are three pragmatic strategies.

1. Boost Your Aspiration by Focusing on Benefits

Andersen notes, "When we do want to learn something, we focus on the positive—what we’ll gain from learning it." Like many professionals, I was initially hesitant to delve into the world of data analytics. But, by shifting my focus from the challenges to the invaluable insights I could gain, my aspiration level soared. I enroll in professional development classes and webinars to keep up to date, ensuring I'm constantly reaping the benefits of new knowledge.

2. Nurture Your Curiosity

"Great learners retain this childhood drive, or regain it through another application of self-talk," Andersen says. I swear by this. Whenever a topic seems tedious, I ask myself, 'What if?' questions. I also engage with colleagues who are experts in that domain. Their enthusiasm often rubs off on me, turning what initially appeared as boring into something interesting. LinkedIn groups are another rich source of diverse perspectives that keep my curiosity piqued.

3. Embrace Vulnerability to Conquer New Frontiers

According to Andersen, great learners "tolerate their own mistakes as they move up the learning curve." Embracing the vulnerability of being a beginner again can be liberating. The minute I started acknowledging my novice status when I moved into a managerial role, I found it much easier to ask questions and seek advice.

Staying committed to lifelong learning is the key to adaptability and success. Tap into these attributes and tools to make your learning journey not only effective but also enjoyable. In today's frenetic business landscape, continuous learning isn't just an advantage; it's a professional imperative.


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